Modeling reinforcement learning problems: Markov decision processes


A policy is a function that maps a state to a probability distribution over the set of possible actions in that state.

\[ \pi: s \to P(A | s), s \in S \]

\(P(A|s)\) is a probability distribution over the set of actions \(A\), given state \(s\).

Optimal Policy

The optimal policy is the strategy that maximizes rewards.

\[ \pi*: \arg\max E(R | \pi) \]

If we know the expected reward for following any possible policy \(\pi\), the optimal policy \(\pi*\) is a policy that produces the maximum possible rewards.

The whole goal of a reinforcement learning algorithm is to choose the actions that lead to the maximal expected rewards. But there are two ways we can train our agent to do this:

  • Directly —— We can teach the agent to learn what actions are best, given what state it is in.
  • Indirectly —— We can teach the agent to learn which states are most valuable, and then to take actions that leads us to the idea of value functions.

Value functions

Value functions are functions that map a state or a state-action pair to the expected value (the expected reward) of being in some state or taking some action in some state.

\[ V_\pi: s \to E(R|s, \pi) \]

The policy is what determines observed rewards, and the value function is a reflection of observed rewards.

Q function

Q function is a type of value functions, which adds action into consideration.

\[ Q_\pi: (s|a) \to E(R|s, a, \pi) \]


  • State spaces are the set of all possible states a system can be in. In Chess, this would be the set of all valid board configurations. An action is a function that maps a state, \(s\), to a new state, \(s'\). An action may be stochastic, such that it maps a state, \(s\), probabilistically to a new state, \(s'\). There may be some probability distribution over the set of possible new states from which one is selected. The action-space is the set of all possible actions for a particular state.
  • The environment is the source of states, actions, and rewards. If we’re building an RL algorithm to play a game, then the game is the environment. A model of an environment is an approximation of the state space, action space, and transition probabilities.
  • Rewards are signals produced by the environment that indicate the relative success of taking an action in a given state. An expected reward is a statistical concept that informally refers to the long-term average value of some random variable \(X\) (in our case, the reward), denoted \(E[X]\). For example, in the n-armed bandit case, \(E[R|a]\) (the expected reward given action \(a\)) is the long-term average reward of taking each of the n actions. If we knew the probability distribution over the actions, \(a\), then we could calculate the precise value of the expected reward for a game of \(N\) plays as \(E[R|a_i] = \sum^N_{i=1} a_i p_i \cdot r\), where \(N\) is the number of plays of the game, \(p_i\) refers to the probability of action \(a_i\), and \(r\) **refers to the maximum possible reward.
  • An agent is an RL algorithm that learns to behave optimally in a given environment. Agents are often implemented as a deep neural network. The goal of the agent is to maximize expected rewards, or equivalently, to navigate to the highest value state.
  • A policy is a particular strategy. Formally, it’s a function that either accepts a state and produces an action to take or produces a probability distribution over the action space, given the state. A common policy is the epsilon-greedy strategy, where with probability \(\varepsilon\) we take a random action in the action space, and with probability \(\varepsilon - 1\) we choose the best action we know of so far.
  • In general, a value function is any function that returns expected rewards given some relevant data. Without additional context, it typically refers to a state-value function, which is a function that accepts a state and returns the expected reward of starting in that state and acting according to some policy. The Q value is the expected reward given a state-action pair, and the Q function is a function that produces Q values when given a state-action pair.
  • The Markov decision process is a decision-making process by which it is possible to make the best decisions without reference to a history of prior states.