Geometrical Robustness

Several geometrical features may cause problems for collision detection code, including the following.

  • Redundant vertices, edges, and faces
  • Degenerate faces, including nonconvex or self-intersecting faces and faces of zero or near-zero area
  • Incorrect orientation of single-sided faces
  • Unintended holes, cracks, gaps, and t-junctions between neighboring faces
  • Nonplanar faces

Possible approaches to solve the problem.

  • Welding of vertices
  • Fixing of cracks between neighboring faces
  • Merging co-planar faces into a single face
  • Decomposition into convex (possibly triangular) pieces
The key steps in turning a polygon soup into a well-formed robust mesh: vertex welding, t-junction removal, merging of co-planar faces, and decomposition into convex pieces.

The key steps in turning a polygon soup into a well-formed robust mesh: vertex welding, t-junction removal, merging of co-planar faces, and decomposition into convex pieces.

Vertex Welding

Collision geometry suffers from being built from polygons whose vertices should have been joined but were not. These duplicate representations of a single vertex cause cracks between polygons.

  • Cause ray tests to pass through what was supposed to be solid geometry.
  • Ruin the possiblity of maintaining adjacency information between neighboring faces.
  • Take up unnecessary space.

Vertices are considered near when they are within some preset distance of each other, called the welding tolerance or the welding epsilon. The space within the welding tolerance of a vertex is the welding neighborhood of the vertex.

The welding tolerance must be set appropriately. (a) Too small, and some vertices that should be included in the welding operation could be missed. (b) Too large, and vertices that should not be part of the welding operation could be erroneously included. Arrows indicate vertices incorrectly handled during the respective welding operations.
Different outcomes from alternative methods for welding a set of points mutually within the welding tolerance distance.

Computing Adjacency Information

A common geometry representation is the face table representation in which a table of faces indexes into a table of vertices.

The face and vertex tables for a simple mesh.
Adjacency information associated with each vertex, edge, and face facilitates instantaneous access to their adjacent vertices, edges, and faces.

Having full adjacency information allows retrieval of all adjacent vertices, edges, and faces of a given vertex, edge, or face in constant \(O(1)\) time.

Data associated with (a) the winged-edge E, (b) the half-edge H, and (c) the winged-triangle T.
// Basic representation of an edge in the winged-edge representation
struct WingedEdge {
Vertex *v1, *v2; // The two vertices of the represented edge (E)
Face *f1, f2; // The two faces connected to the edge
Edge *e11, *e12, *e21, *e22; // The next edges CW and CCW for each face

// Basic representation of a half-edge in the half-edge representation
struct HalfEdge {
HalfEdge *ht; // The matching “twin” half-edge of the opposing face
HalfEdge *hn; // The next half-edge counter clockwise
Face *f; // The face connected to this half-edge
Vertex *v; // The vertex constituting the origin of this half-edge

// Basic representation of a triangle in the winged-triangle representation
struct WingedTriangle {
Vertex *v1, *v2, *v3; // The 3 vertices defining this triangle
WingedTriangle *t1, *t2, *t3; // The 3 triangles this triangle connects to

// Fields specifying to which edge (0-2) of these triangles the connection
// is made are not strictly required, but they improve performance and can
// be stored “for free” inside the triangle pointers
int edge1:2, edge2:2, edge3:2;

Computing a Vertex-to-Face Table

Locating the faces a given vertex is part of would require an \(O(n)\) pass over all faces. To make this operation equally fast, a reverse table can be computed: a table taht for each vertex allows the immediate location of all faces incident to the vertex.

// Reset the list of triangles associated with each vertex
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTICES; i++) triListHead[i] = NULL;

// Reset the triangle list entry counter
int cnt = 0;
// Loop over all triangles and all three of their vertices
for (int i = 0; i < numTris; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
// Get the vertex index number
int vi = tri[i].vertexIndex[j];
// Fill in a new triangle entry for this vertex
triListEntry[cnt].triIndex = i;
// Link new entry first in list and bump triangle entry counter
triListEntry[cnt].pNext = triListHead[vi];
triListHead[vi] = &triListEntry[cnt++];

Actually it links triangles of a given vertex to that vertex.

const v2f = {}

_.each(vertices, vertex => {
v2f[vertex] = []

_.each(faces, face => {

Computing an Edge-to-Face Table

The problem is to compute a table that associates an edge with the faces connected to the edge. Assume that the input mesh is a bounded manifold. Thus, no edge will be connected to more than two triangles. The key point is to treat \((A, B)\) and \((B, A)\) for the same edge.

// Compare vertices lexicographically and return index (0 or 1) corresponding
// to which vertex is smaller. If equal, consider v0 as the smaller vertex
int SmallerVertex(Vertex v0, Vertex v1) {
if (v0.x != v1.x) return v1.x > v0.x;
if (v0.y != v1.y) return v1.y > v0.y;
return v1.z > v0.z;

Because edges are represented as a pair of vertex indices and this pair must be used to index into a table, an open hash table is employed. The hash key is computed from the two vertex indeces. The key is associated with a data block, which is defined as below.

struct EdgeEntry {
int vertexIndex[2]; // The two vertices this edge connects to
int triangleIndex[2]; // The two triangles this edge connects to
int edgeNumber[2]; // Which edge of that triangle this triangle connects to
EdgeEntry *pNext; // Pointer to the next edge in the current hash bucket
// Reset the hash table
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EDGES; i++) {
edgeListHead[i] = NULL;

// Reset the edge list entry counter
int cnt = 0;
// Loop over all triangles and their three edges
for (int i = 0; i < numTris; i++) {
for (int j = 2, k = 0; k < 2; j = k, k++) {
// Get the vertex indices
int vj = tri[i].vertexIndex[j];
int vk = tri[i].vertexIndex[k];
// Treat edges (vj, vk) and (vk, vj) as equal by
// flipping the indices so vj <= vk (if necessary)
if (vj > vk) Swap(vj, vk);
// Form a hash key from the pair (vj, vk) in range 0 <= x < MAX_EDGES
int hashKey = ComputeHashKey(vj, vk);
// Check linked list to see if edge already present
for (EdgeEntry *pEdge = edgeListHead[hashKey]; ; pEdge = Edge->pNext) {
// Edge is not in the list of this hash bucket; create new edge entry
if (pEdge == NULL) {
// Create new edge entry for this bucket
edgeListEntry[cnt].vertexIndex[0] = vj;
edgeListEntry[cnt].vertexIndex[1] = vk;
edgeListEntry[cnt].triangleIndex[0] = i;
edgeListEntry[cnt].edgeNumber[0] = j;
// Link new entry first in list and bump edge entry counter
edgeListEntry[cnt].pNext = edgeListHead[hashKey];
edgeListHead[hashKey] = &edgeListEntry[cnt++];
// Edge is in this bucket, fill in the second edge
if (pEdge->vertexIndex[0] == vj && pEdge->vertexIndex[1] == vk) {
pEdge->triangleIndex[1] = i;
pEdge->edgeNumber[1] = j;

In ts, the code would be much simpler.

const computeHashKey = (edge) => {
return hashVertex(edge.a) + hashVertex(edge.b)

const e2f = {}
_.each(faces, face => {
const [a, b] = lexicographicSort(face.a, face.b)
const [b, c] = lexicographicSort(face.b, face.c)
const [c, a] = lexicographicSort(face.c, face.a)

const ab = b.sub(a)
const bc = c.sub(b)
const ca = a.sub(c)

_.each([ab, bc, ca], edge => {
const e = e2f[computeHashKey(edge)]
if (!e) {
e2f[computeHashKey(edge)] = {
facePair: [face],
} else {
e.facePair[1] = face

Holes, Crack, Gaps, and T-junctions

A hole in a mesh is signified by a set of vertices, connected by a closed chain of edges in which no faces have been defined to connect all of these vertices and edges.

A crack is used to refer to narrow wedge-like slots between two partially connected geometries.

A gap is some narrow voids between two completely unconnected geometries.

T-junctions or t-joints are referred as situations in which an endpoint of one edge lying on the interior of another edge — the vertex usually displaced off the line by some small amount.

(a) A mesh with an intentional hole. (b) A mesh with an unintentional hole — a crack (exaggerated).
(a) A (nonhole) crack. (b) A gap. (c) A t-junction (and its corresponding t-vertex).
Three alternative methods for resolving a t-junction. (a) Collapsing the t-vertex with a neighboring vertex on the opposing edge. (b) Cracking the opposing edge in two, connecting the two new edge endpoints to the t-vertex. (c) Snapping the vertex onto the opposing edge and inserting it, by edge cracking, into the edge.